About National Pharmacy Strategy (NPS)
Like many other developed countries, Singapore faces multiple challenges in healthcare. Evolving and increasing healthcare needs due to an ageing population, prevalence of chronic diseases and a shrinking workforce spurs the need for transformation of
pharmaceutical care.
Through the National Pharmacy Landscape study conducted in 2014, various pain points and challenges and opportunities were identified, and this motivated the conceptualisation and development of the National Pharmacy Strategy (NPS) in 2015 by the Chief
Pharmacist’s Office at MOH. The NPS is a 10- year plan that is closely aligned with MOH’s key strategic healthcare shifts of Beyond Hospital to Community, Beyond Quality to Value and Beyond Healthcare to Health.
The NPS envisions a pharmacy patient centric model whereby pharmaceutical care and medication management services focus on providing quality care, advancing preventive care in the community, promoting safe and effective medication use, and care integration
of a patient’s journey across different healthcare settings. Five key strategic thrusts are formulated to support the NPS in its vision – pharmaceutical care excellence, building a confident pharmacy workforce, re-designing the supply
chain, information, and technology enablement.

For more information on NPS thrusts and the different initiatives, please scan the QR code in the image above or click this link.
The National Drug Formulary (NDF) is one of the initiatives under Thrust 4, Information Enablement of the NPS. The objective of this initiative was to establish a Singapore specific and authoritative national reference to guide evidence-based best practices
for medication prescribing, dispensing and administration by consolidating clinical and drug related information on registered drugs in Singapore and drugs subsidised by MOH, into a single source. By being the Singapore-specific and comprehensive
national reference, the NDF guides healthcare professionals (HCPs) in providing harmonised, safe use of medications and best evidence-based practices for medication prescribing, dispensing and administration.
Click here for more details on the National Drug Formulary.